OKUNO's quality improver,
specialized for frozen foods

Solve the problem of freezer burns in frozen foods

Okuno has developed a range of quality improvers for frozen foods.
TOP BISTRO FROZEN and Halal-certified ZEPPIN FROZEN can commercialize foods that were previously difficult to distribute frozen, and to further improve the taste of frozen foods.
We improve the quality problems of frozen foods, such as freezer burn, discoloration, texture softening, and water separation.
Our new products contribute to the creation of higher quality, tastier products.

frozen ball sushi

Quality problems of frozen foods

  • Freezer burns in frozen foods

    During frozen storage, the moisture in rice, noodles, and dumplings sublimes and dries out.
    This causes freezer burn and discoloration of frozen foods.

    frozen pasta

  • Discoloration, texture softening

    Freezing causes tissue damage, resulting in browning and discoloration. These changes also will affect the original firmness and crispness of the food, especially in fruits such as apples, peaches, white grapes, and loquats.

    browned peach

  • Water separation egg

    Damage from cold thawing causes food cells and tissues to become spongy. This results in water loss, which adversely affects taste and food appearance.

    water separation of cooked egg

Causes of quality degradation

When food is frozen, ice crystals form and the food temperature drops to -18 to -20°C. The food cools quickly to 0°C, but more slowly in the -1 to -5°C range. In the ice crystal formation zone, ice crystals in the food enlarge, damaging the food's tissue.
Besides the enlargement of ice crystals, chemical reactions in food during freezing and thawing can damage the taste and appearance of frozen foods.
Flavored rice such as sushi rice and kayaku rice, fruits such as apples and peaches, and gelatinized desserts such as jellies and puddings are easily affected by freezing, making it difficult to distribute frozen.

quality degradation mechanism

Solve the root causes of quality degradation

  • Freezer burn of
    frozen rice...

    No addition

    bad-quality rice ball

  • Prevent freezer burn, maintain sticky and soft texture even after thawing

    TOP BISTRO FROZEN R addition

    good-quality rice ball

    TOP BISTRO FROZEN R 0.3% addition to uncooked rice

Measuring the physical properties of rice

Texture analyzer stickiness

texture analyzer stickiness



  • Frozen storage: stored in a freezing cycle tester for 14 days (-5°C ⇔ -20°C/5 cycles/day)
  • Measurement by texture analyzer after thawing at room temperature
  • Frozen apples become discolored
    and soggy after thawing

    No addition

    browned apple

  • Maintain original apple
    color and texture


    fresh apple

    Color comparison of apples: soaked in 10% solution of TOP BISTRO FROZENF-AO, drained, frozen and thawed

Measuring the physical properties of apples


hardness comparison



  • Frozen storage: stored in a freezing cycle tester for 14 days (-5°C ⇔ -20°C/5 cycles/day)
  • Measurement by texture analyzer after thawing at room temperature
  • Frozen yams that lose moisture
    and crispness after thawing

    No addition

    lose moisture

    cell damage
    Cell wall damaged

  • Maintain moisture
    and crispness after thawing


    maintain moistureComparison of yams: soaked in a 1.0% solution of TOP BISTRO FROZEN VA, drained, frozen and thawed, then stained and observed under a microscope
    Microscopic observation by the cooperation of Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology

    maintain cell structure
    Maintain cell structure

For more delicious frozen foods

Thanks to advances in food processing technology, the development of high-performance freezers and the development of cold chains, we can now enjoy a wide variety of delicious frozen foods such as hamburgers, kimbap, ramen and cheesecake from famous restaurants, as well as gratin that can be eaten after thawing naturally.

The frozen food market is growing rapidly because pre-cooked frozen foods can be stored for long periods of time, produce little waste and are easy to prepare.

TOP BISTRO FROZEN series can help customers create higher-quality and more delicious frozen foods. OKUNO will contribute to the further expansion of the frozen food market. To respond to the rapidly growing halal food market, OKUNO has Halal-cerfied food quality improvers (ZEPPIN FROZEN series) for frozen foods.

  • Food quality improvers for frozen noodle: TOP BISTRO FROZEN N-WL
  • Food quality improvers for frozen vegetable: TOP BISTRO FROZEN VA
  • Food quality improvers for frozen fruit: TOP BISTRO FROZEN F-AO
  • Food quality improvers for frozen egg-based frozen food: TOP BISTRO FROZEN OVO
  • Food quality improvers for frozen fish-paste products: TOP BISTRO FROZEN FM
  • Food quality improvers for frozen bread: TOP BISTRO FROZEN FB1
  • Food quality improvers for frozen red bean: TOP BISTRO FROZEN ANK
  • Food quality improvers for frozen rice: TOP BISTRO FROZEN R
  • Food quality improvers for frozen rice: ZEPPIN FROZEN R
  • Food quality improvers for frozen bread: ZEPPIN FROZEN FB1(HL)