The basic principles of information security

1. The basic principles

OKUNO’s company policy is "Make products really loved by all, be the person loved by all." To achieve this policy, all employees are required to protect the information assets entrusted to us by our customers and business partners as well as our own technical information through daily business activities.
Since most of our business is conducted through the effective use of information, it is an important in corporate management to ensure and maintain information security for business continuity and expansion, as well as contribution to society.
Therefore, we will make utmost efforts to implement information security measures.

2. Information security assurance cycle

To ensure and maintain information security, we will continue to Plan, Do, Check and Action cycle for information security under the supervision of the information security manager and in cooperation with the management teams.

3. Risk management according to information security policy

We have established our information security policy to ensure appropriate risk management. This policy sets forth OKUNO’s information security policy and assigns security management duties and responsibilities to all employees under the direction of management in accordance with their authority to use information assets.

4. Training and education

We conduct regular and ad hoc information security training for management and employees. Through this training, we share the latest risks and ensure that all employees are fully aware of our information security policy.

5. Compliance with laws, regulations and contractual requirements

We will comply with all laws, regulations and contractual obligations related to information security.

6. Handling of violations and accidents

In the event of a violation of law or regulation, a breach of contract, or an information security incident, we will take appropriate action to prevent a recurrence.

January 1, 2023
President and CEO Kazuyoshi OKUNO