Message from
New President

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and patronage.

I am pleased to announce that Naoki Okuno has succeeded Kazuyoshi Okuno as President and CEO of Okuno Chemical Industries.

Okuno will reach its 120th anniversary in 2025. First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported us throughout the long history of our company.

For many years, we have operated under the corporate philosophy of "Make products really loved by all, be the person loved by all". We will continue to adhere to this philosophy for Infinite Possibilities.
Through our metal/surface finish, inorganic materials and food businesses, we will continue to take on new challenges to help realize a sustainable society.

We will strive to meet the expectations of our employees, customers, and stakeholders.

We look forward to your continued guidance and support.


President and CEO Naoki Okuno
(Appointed on May 30, 2024)